Shaun Chapman is a committed conservationist and the chairman and founder, with Rocky, of RAPTOR, an anti-poaching organization. He is the author of the James Spillaney Casefiles: The Spy Who Hated Me!, Solar Princess, and many other titles. “Chapman’s 2010 Theory of Alternating Crustal Displacement and the Torque Wrench Effect” is his brainchild and answers many scientific, mythological, and theological questions asked by man for thousands of years. He was born in Wales and spent the rest of his life all over the globe, including the United States, New Zealand, Australia, Botswana, Namibia, Lesotho and South Africa. He is a citizen of the Earth who has studied a vast spectrum, from psychology and geology to pure and applied mathematics. He has a love of the martial arts, being a black belt in Goju-Ryu Karate and an exponent of both Kendo and Jeet Kune Do. At present, he is focusing on a series of environmental books for RAPTOR and a TV series for the same. He is also the editor of RAPTOR: Leader of the Earthwize Generation, an online environmental magazine.

For more information and environmental education material go to:,,, ,,, or, got to You Tube to view our trailers at: ‘The Spy Who Hated Me!’ by Shaun Chapman, ‘Solar Princess – Princess Solal’, by Shaun Chapman and ‘Rocky in the Wilderness’ by Shaun Chapman.